If there are any budding scholars out there, there is certainly still plenty of scope to research the role of women in the Viking Age, along with children, men, animals and all the accoutrements of daily life. And there are signs of renewed interest in the roles of women, as evidenced in a book just out, Kvinner i vikingtid (Women in the Viking Age), edited by Nancy Coleman and Nanna Løkka. The book has seventeen articles, in Danish, English, Norwegian (both nynorsk and bokmål) and Swedish, on a wide range of aspects of women's experiences in the Viking Age and after. I particularly liked Pernille Pantmann's chapter on women and keys, deconstructing the hoary old chestnut that keys in female graves represent the mistress of the house (an old idea that I have been guilty of myself in the past...). I'm less convinced by Pernille's alternative explanation, but she is properly cautious about putting it forward, and her piece certainly opens up the whole question for renewed discussion. We need more work like this.
Another recent publication, In Search of Vikings: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Scandinavian Heritage of North-West England, edited by Steve Harding, David Griffiths and Elizabeth Royles, also has a couple of papers relevant to the understanding of female roles and experiences. In particular, Christina Lee's chapter shows the range of information that can be gleaned from textiles and textile working implements. The production of clothing, and other textiles (such as sails for Viking ships) was probably the one job that took up most of most women's time in the Viking Age, and studying this evidence again opens up all kinds of interesting questions about craft production, agriculture, family life, and artistic expression, not to mention the symbolic roles of weaving and spinning in Old Norse mythology.
Which reminds me that, nowadays, the most obvious profile of Viking Age women in both the popular media and much academic research is that of the possibly more glamorous but certainly minority (and in some cases fictional) roles of sorceresses, valkyries and warrior women. Or queens. All of these have their interest, of course, and I have expressed my views about both valkyries and warrior women before. I blame Game of Thrones, myself. I have to confess I haven't read the books, but I have watched a few of the TV episodes and, from my limited watching, it is clear to me that the female characters are mostly a pretty clever, capable and attractive bunch, usually more so than the male characters. This is how we like to see women from the dark and distant past in the twenty-first century, and it is certainly an improvement on the embarrassingly almost female-free twentieth-century equivalent, the fantasy works of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien.
But fantasy is just that, it's fantasy. When it comes to studying the past, I always struggle, both for my own part and in my teaching, to understand and to explain the paradox that, while human beings are human beings and always have been and always will be, the past really is another country. That's what's so fascinating about studying it - in what ways were people then just like people now, and in what ways were they different? Pinning that down in detail is the fun part.
On the whole, I think it's a shame that those interested in the Viking Age find it less interesting nowadays to explore the lives of real women, both those who stayed at home to cook, clean and bring up the children, and those who went out on great adventures, as settlers in the Hebrides or Iceland, or traders in Russia, with or without their menfolk or children. Maybe these new books will bring some redress. And at least some of these questions will be addressed in The Viking Diaspora, to be published next summer. But there is still plenty to do!
Glad you're back! Thanks for this philosophical posting on those who kept the home fires burning.
I would think those who kept the home fires burning were no less competent at defending the homestead than would be any of their Celtic or Anglo Saxon counterparts.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't until the arrival of Christianity that a woman's place was considered Secondary. With no 911 or 999 to dial and what could only be described as a Raiding/Agricultural Cultural Mindset, I would of thought the viking farm would of been as interesting at times as any of the Scottish Border Regions.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteThank you for your interest in this blog post. For the record, I did not use the expression 'keep the home fires burning' (that was Betshilda), nor did I state that a woman's place was considered secondary. The evidence is very strong that, both before and after Christianity, men and women's roles were separate and different, but equally important to society, and that war and weapons were a man's domain (in real life, if not in mythology). There is really very little evidence on which to base any judgements about how and when it was necessary to defend the homestead, and of course what you call 'the viking farm' came in many different versions, depending on where and when you are talking about.
Wondering if you can help me.. I want a tattoo to represent this next step im taking in my life. I'm studying archaeology to eventually specialize in viking studies. I need ideas and symbols and the their representations and meanings! Any help would be greatly appreciated! I can be reached at sunflowerflr1091@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for your interest in this blog. I get quite a lot of such requests and regret that I am unable to provide this kind of service. Good luck with your studies, they should give you the necessary inspiration!
DeleteI can not express the gratitude towards you that is overwhelming me at this moment, as I just discovered your blog and feel like I found something better than a cache of Viken goods, and that is the knowledge to help piece the puzzle together. I can not wait to read more and also explore your education links. Thank You Again, you now have a huge fan here in Minnesota. (I believe you shall have even more from the States once people read the shared links...with your permission of course. Warm Regards, Scott J Lund
ReplyDeletePS My Father's Fathers are are from SE Norway. Helis eider Tvieten b 1370A.D., and Tore Asbjorn Evju b 1510 A.D.
Thank you for mentioning the chapter written by Pernille Pantmann on women and keys! I wrote my undergraduate thesis on the examination of stereotypes of women and burial keys during the Viking Age in 2013. At the time, the only academics who had really published anything on the matter were Elisabeth Arwill-Nordbladh, Else Roesdahl, and Hanne Lovise Aannestad. It might take a while in the States to track down, but I cannot wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing this book to my attention. I shall rush to get hold of it though I might struggle to read the Nynorsk chapters... I'm always interested in women in the Viking era.
ReplyDeleteI knew I'd find interesting on your blog - and here it is. I have, for six years now, been studying a small but important window in the Wessex/Danish contest of the ninth century - the period that has been saturated from contemporary times with Alfredian propaganda,and I have come to the conclusion that there are two aspects that the 'professionals' have largely overlooked: the absence of consideration of the female dimension, and a lack of appreciation of the mental debilitation of having no tradition of written, and therefore recorded, laws. Thank you for pointing out the two references above, and for giving voice to the problem. I have started to add my two-pennyworth in my own blog, where I refer to Helen Jewel's Women in the Dark Age Palgrave 2007 and the anthology of papers in The Viking World edited by Stefan Bring and Neil Price, Routledge 2008.